Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are highly educated health care professionals. Physical therapists graduating today must have either a master’s or clinical doctorate from an accredited physical therapy program. Physical therapists help prevent injuries while promoting a healthy lifestyle. by improving strength, flexibility, and balance. Physical therapy is a cost effective treatment that can reduce the need for prescription medications, improve motion and mobility, prevent injuries, relieve pain, and, it is an alternative to surgery. The therapists work collaboratively with their patients, designing treatment plans that take into account individual goals, challenges, and needs.

Physical Therapy Store


Over 90% of our facet joint injection patients report improvement in their condition. Over 75% said their condition improved by more than 50%

Over 83% of our epidural patients report improvement in their condition. Over 75% said their condition improved by more than 50%

Overall, 83% of our patients report a better quality of life, 60% report less pain, and 62% report improvement in their function

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